Thursday, October 21, 2010

A how-to about eyeliner would help, too. xD?

i want to learn how to do emo/scene hair, but i have a few problems. one, my hair is curly, and two, whenever i try to do it, i straiqhten my hair, but when i tease it,the hairspray just qets it really stiff, sticky, and tanqled, and ends up lookinq like that chic from the exorsist:D i tried lookinq for qood how-to videos, and none of them seem to help me. do you know any qood videos that show you exactly what i need to know?

Thanks for the help((:A how-to about eyeliner would help, too. xD?
1. get your hair layered

2. always straighten your hair

3. tease from the root

4.DONT use hairspray it just makes it worse

%26amp; for eyeliner, i would use a gel eyeliner to apply in your waterline,and top lash line, then u can just smudge it for a smokier look.


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