Thursday, October 21, 2010

How can i get curly hair without putting any heat to it?

I'm black and I have relaxed hair but my natural hair is very soft. Also, when I wet my hair it usually gets curly but when it drys, it gets a little frizzy. What can I put in my hair so I can get that sexy spanish curly wet look? Please help.How can i get curly hair without putting any heat to it?
well i think everyone else got the good answersHow can i get curly hair without putting any heat to it?
some shampoos can do that 4 u
pantene makes this product that you spray into your hair and then you scrunch your hair and it gives it that curlier look...

also if you tell the person that cuts your hair what you want she can give a cut that accentuates the style you have in mind

After showering put your hair into braids or a tight bun. Leave it in overnight and when you wake up put hairspray in it
try rollers, that's a natural way to make curls without using any electronic device. wait for a few hours before you take it out. after you take it out, put some gel (gatsby, loreal) or cream (suave) to make it stay in place.
I read this tip in a magazine...wash you hair or just dampen it. try rubbing in a little Biosilk brand serum into it (it is a silicon based hair product that is awesome and you can get it anywhere including Target..).and take strips of cloth and roll your hair around it and roll it up like you would a hot roller. When you reach to wear you want the curl to start at the top of your head, tie the ends in a knot securing it.

Wrap a piece of silk or satin fabric around your hair before going to bed to keep moisture in. It will help prevent frizz, and breakage.
if your hair iz naturally mine iz....jus leave it wet well thiz iz wah i do..i towel dry it a little then i put sum mosse then spray gel n then hair works really well! u should try it n diz iz cumin from a sexy spanish gurl ;)
wash your hair with curl defining shampoo/conditioner, and while it's still wet put curl defining gel all through it and ';scrunch'; the hair.
After you wash your hair take a towel and try to dry your hair with it but not completely. Then take that got to be glued hair gel stuff and scrunch your hair with your hands. It makes your hair kinky curly looks great. the more you repeat this while it dries it makesit super curly. check it out on my myspace pic it is like the second one or so.
hey de thingie u can do iz az soon az u r outta ur tub afta ur bath cuz curl ur hair n dry em...i mean uze de hair dryr....rele wurkz 4 me....

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